Sunday, August 13, 2006

Episodes are NOT erased!

Many of you fans have been sending letters and e-mails to TVO and are getting the following response:

Thank you for writing to TVOntario. Unfortunately for most programs that we aired in the 70s, 80s & 90s, our broadcast rights have expired. As such, these programs have been erased from our files. To find a copy of these programs, you might want to try searching the Internet or visiting


Member & Audience Relations
It's All About Learning!

I want to debunk this rumor right now. The episodes are, in fact, NOT erased; the Sales and Licensing department have confirmed this. Just to let you know not to make that a deterrent.


Blogger Steven said...

I love that what they are suggesting is that you find them on the internet. Well if TVO is the originator of the material, then that means what they are suggesting is that you go and find pirated copies somewhere online.

I find the suggestion humorous, because again THEY would be the licensing agent for this show, so if it was available at Amazon it would be because THEY made it so. And since they haven't done that, why would they suggest you look there? It makes no sense.

I know it's a generic form letter, but it's just silly.

5:44 AM  

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